perjantaina, lokakuuta 31, 2014

Sini Solina wins!

I had a show today with Sini Solina. It was in Unna-Massen only about 1 hour drive from our barn. The class was Prix St. Georges. I'm really happy with her! She only cantered one time in the extended trot because I pushed her a bit too much and then there was little tension in the four and three tempi changes. But she also got lot of 8s for example from the shoulder-in and halv-passes in trot. We got 71,6% and that is our best score so far in the small tour!

tiistaina, lokakuuta 14, 2014

Second place for Solina

Sini Solina got second in Prix St. Georges special with 68,45%. She was so good until the four tempis changes which were a bit wild and then the last center line with halt, reinback and medium trot where she cantered. I won the class with another horse, Lemming but Solina was the last horse to go and that's why she was allowed to go to the price-giving and wear the winner blanket! Yey!